martes, 26 de junio de 2012

My Favorite Website

My favorite web site is , in this web site I can see many movies, from old movies to movies premieres, this web site I have me many hours to fun and distraction, but whit the fall of mega upload much of movies their this website were deleted, this place in internet had almost all movies exist and now only I can see some movies, I so sad. In this web site also movies we can see sitcom they have a many of this, for example Spartacus, game of thrones, the walking dead, breaking bad and my name is earl (I recommended it).

I like so much this web site because is free and the charging time is very fast, well this depend in part of the velocity of the internet, but in general this web site have a excellent comportment and gradually they are  adding more movies.

Always I have time, I visit this web site I love see movies……….. Well I prefer the cinema over all the thing, but in this moment the cinema is very expensive and her you can see movies in excellent quality, also is important way for learn English
this is my last post, I say goodbye to everybody!
Good luck.

A Country I would like to visit

Hi today I am talking about the country I would like visit, I have many places in my list, I love travel and in this moment don’t have a one place prefer in mind, I think first would like know all place in Chile, exist very much beautiful place in this country.

Next to kwon completely Chile I will travel for the world, the first place I have in my mind is Italy; I would like visit this country because I like so much the construction, the old edifice I think that are wonderful the Colosseum or Coliseum is a big example, other can be a Leaning Tower of Pisa, Vatican city, etc…. Italy is a big museum for me and yes or yes I have to visit this country, also I like so much the language, I would like learn.

I don’t like live in this place, I like more as a place to visit, I have not thought about where I would like to live when a professional, I think I would liked as a nomede people and live in many place to world.

jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

My favorite dog breeds...........

Hi everybody , to be honest I don’t  really like breeds of dogs, I don’t like genetic engineering to make different breeds of dogs, only to present good characteristics for some function to the humans, but in the case hypothetical that I liked, I think I draw much attention to the personality of Siberian husky, well especially for the similarity  with  the wolves, they can weigh between 16 to 19 kilos and measure 51 to 60 cm high, these dogs are very helpful and very affectionate with the family.

Another dog that catches my attention are the golden retriever also the personality that this type of dog breed, I find them very friendly, loyal and intelligent, I think they are very tolerant to all kinds of environment and they are very loving, your measurements are generally 56 to 61 cm tall and weigh between 31 and 36 kg. Well the dog breed and I don’t like, by his personality and appearance are small dogs or dwarfs dog a example of this is the toy poodle and Chihuahuas they  are very hysterical.

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

A picture i like

Hiii today i am talking about a photograph that like me, this photograph is my old dog, his name was Mazacote, and he was a great dog.
I take this photograph, but don’t remember very well the date of that,  I took this photograph when I are a child and this picture I have fond childhood memories, whit my father and my dog always travel for many areas of Santiago, specifically for san José , we are visited very wonderful place and we took many photographic.
The date of this photographic is approximately from 1999 and this place is a mountain nearly of the Macul’s stream, is very difficult go her the way is very extreme it have much rock and this are sharped, but really this give the  emotion .
I miss this moment in my life, I loved the company of my dog.

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

Why do I want to be a vet?

Well when I was a child………… I have many dreams, I remember my big dream were be a garbage man jajajaja (my parents always remember me) and also I loved building think whit my grandfather, work the wood, but a little more big I begin have more contact whit the animals, my pets were a big factor in my decision to want to become a veterinarian and I am here in a process of formation.

I haven’t many other options, I remember only one options was the aircraft mechanic, but not was very relevant, I prefer to fix animals. This sounds weird, but I think it mean.
My experience at the university is the best, is more I than expect, all the days in my life I think that is the best decision I could take and don’t think repent me.
Now don’t have the decision of the job a will be have, I love many thing for example the clinic the little animals and big animal (horse), surgery, work in a zoo, etc.

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

My favorite animal…….
Hiii, today I am talking about the my favorite animal, I like the felines in general, but I prefer the tiger, he have many characteristic that like, is the feline only stay in the Asian continent and is the feline most large the world, his size are between 100 – 380 kg and 220-380 cm, this animal is carnivorous, in freedom he prefer eat ungulates, they have many food, but the tiger are opportunity and also eat small animals. This animal is very strong, very territorial they are great hunters, he can hunting animal hunter that example whit that is a leopard ,bear and even tigers are known cases that have hunted crocodiles.
The tiger uses his size and strength to hit his potential prey .Despite its large size, tigers can reach speeds of up to 90 km / h
In the actuality the largest enemy in the human, this animal is in the threatened category.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

My opinion about………
Killing stray dogs: I completely disagree whit that, I don’t think this way be the best, the stray dogs are a problem, but this problem should be taken whit responsibility, the people should take conciseness that this problem is for your cause, there are many ways to this problem, some of these are: sterilize their pets, walking their dogs whit  leash , prefer the adoption and the more important is taking responsibility whit their pets. The animals aren’t toys, they aren’t disposable.
Chilean politicians: they are garbage……
Recycling, I think is the best measure to minimize the damage in the planet, I feel that every time more people are doing this, that is wonderful
Legalizing: abortion in some cases, I completely agree, because that everyone should have the possibility to take their decision, I think the same about euthanasia
Cloning: I think it can be a great measure to save species in dangerous

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

My favorite piece of technology !!!

 Is the Notebook definitely I think that the pc is a tool very important in the life of people, it has many applications and in these times all the persons do all in internet….. I prefer the laptop because is more easy to used, it don’t have wires, is very light, is transportable, etc

I had my first pc in Christmas when I had 15 years old, I used my pc to many works example, work for the university, as a font of information,  for my draws and also I use to listen music, talk my friends, see movies  and much other actions...... I use the pc all the days, but now I got to go the university I used just when is necessarily
I can to say the pc is the a big distracter, but if is used reposability… the pc transform in a good partner

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

My favorite band

Hi!!! today I will talking about my favorite group of music , I like many different music groups, different styles for example metal , rock , grunge, trash ,reggae ,techno , etc…….. The only style of music that I don’t like is the reggeton. The music is the best way I have to clear my mind.

One of my favorite groups is Nirvana; they are from Aberdeen .This is a little city of Washington and is the birth place of kurt Cobain, vocalist and guitarist of group. The other members are krist Novoselic (bassist) and Dave Grohl (drummer). This band was born to beginning of 90 and they have many albums, the album more famous is Nevermind . I like so much!!!
They played rock alternative. grunge (the song of Seattle). I like this group for the energy that they give me, the distortion of guitar and the voice of vocalist :) . I like many song of this group, is very difficult for me choose one, but my favorite song in this moment is drain you

miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

Who i am ?

Hi!!! I am  Felipe Esteban Sepulveda Cerda was born on September  1992 in Santiago, Chile. I  have 19 years old, in my life I was to lived in many places of chile, for example Cauquenes , Rancagua, Talca and Santiago , of this places where i lived, I prefer Cauquenes because is very relax place, is small , its have a wonderful clime and the people is very especial. When will be a veterinary I want live in some place in the south of Chile

I am started my studies basic in the immaculate Concepcion next I change to O`higgins institute and was finished my studies in A-10 Manuel Barros Borgoño (slaughterhouse university) now I am student veterinary medicine at university of Chile and I think so this is a best decision was take.

I lived whit my father, mother , little brother and my little pet Martin the cat , I like draw , this is very relaxing for me and my dream whit a hobby is will learn to tattoos, I am play in orange whit a amateur machine tattoos :) , my favorite music is the classic rock.